quinquereme - définition. Qu'est-ce que quinquereme
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est quinquereme - définition

Polyreme; Quadrireme; Sexireme; Septireme; Octeres; Quinqueremes; Quinterimes; Quinquireme; Quadreme; Quadriremes; Tetreres; Penteres; Quinquereme; Hexeres; Hellenistic warships; Trihemiolia; Hexareme; Lemboi; Quinquiremes; Hellenistic-era warship; Aphracts; Aphract; Heptereis; Hexereis; Hepteres; Septiremes
  • Bireme Roman warships, probably liburnians, of the Danube fleet during [[Trajan's Dacian Wars]].
  • 1-10 model reconstruction of a quadrireme (four-banked gallery) according to a graffito from Alba Fucens in Italy, mid-1st century AD, Museum für Antike Schiffahrt, Mainz (34305899133)
  • 410 BC}}. Found in 1852, it is one of the main pictorial testaments to the layout of the [[trireme]].
  • 978-1-4051-2153-8}}. Plate 12.2 on p. 204.</ref> which was built c. 120 BC;<ref>Coarelli, Filippo (1987), ''I Santuari del Lazio in età repubblicana''. NIS, Rome, pp 35-84.</ref> exhibited in the Pius-Clementine Museum ([[Museo Pio-Clementino]]) in the [[Vatican Museums]].
  • This graffito perhaps represents a very large polyreme ship, as it shows 50 oars on one side. It was first copied by Capt. Carlini in the 1930s and is now preserved at the [[Archaeological Museum of Delos]] where this picture was taken in 2015.
  • The famous 2nd century BC [[Nike of Samothrace]], standing atop the prow of an oared warship, most probably a trihemiolia.
  • 19th-century interpretation of the quinquereme's oaring system, with five levels of oars.
  • Relief of a Rhodian galley, most likely a ''trihemiolia'', carved in the rock beneath the acropolis of [[Lindos]].
  • pp=60–61}}
  • Nymphaion]] in the [[Crimea]], depicting a heavy polyreme of the 3rd century BC, with fore- and aft-castles.

¦ noun an ancient Roman or Greek galley of a kind believed to have had five oarsmen to a bank of oars.
C16: from L. quinqueremis, from quinque 'five' + remus 'oar'.
·noun A galley having five benches or banks of oars; as, an Athenian quinquereme.
·noun A galley with four banks of oars or rowers.


Hellenistic-era warships

From the 4th century BC on, new types of oared warships appeared in the Mediterranean Sea, superseding the trireme and transforming naval warfare. Ships became increasingly large and heavy, including some of the largest wooden ships hitherto constructed. These developments were spearheaded in the Hellenistic Near East, but also to a large extent shared by the naval powers of the Western Mediterranean, specifically Carthage and the Roman Republic. While the wealthy successor kingdoms in the East built huge warships ("polyremes"), Carthage and Rome, in the intense naval antagonism during the Punic Wars, relied mostly on medium-sized vessels. At the same time, smaller naval powers employed an array of small and fast craft, which were also used by the ubiquitous pirates. Following the establishment of complete Roman hegemony in the Mediterranean after the Battle of Actium, the nascent Roman Empire faced no major naval threats. In the 1st century AD, the larger warships were retained only as flagships and were gradually supplanted by the light liburnians until, by Late Antiquity, the knowledge of their construction had been lost.